As already mentioned, "The Island of Animaux" eBook is out now and available from all major e-retailers. The hard copy will be out in May and will be available in book stores and online.
The second in the 'Tales from Animaux' series, "Monsieur Le Chef", should be out before Christmas. Yuliya is working hard on the illustrations and Jane has done her copy edit. And so I am on track to get everything to the publisher by the April deadline.
2021 will see the third and fourth books in the 'Tales from Animaux' series, provisionally titled "A Surprise Party" and "Coffee and Ice Cream". And I also hope to publish a third book next year, the first in a new series. It's still on the drawing board but again will consist of a number of tales, all unconnected and set in the real world. These tales will definitely be a little bit creepy!